Webinar: whiplash reforms and damages claims services updates (OnDemand)

car crash whiplash

Watch this webinar to be part of an insightful discussion on the updates to the claims process.

In May 2021, significant changes were made to how a person injured in a road traffic accident can start their claim.

A year on, expert speakers from both the claimant and defendant perspective gave their thoughts on how the first year of the whiplash reforms programme has worked.

Our speakers also considered outstanding issues related to the damages claims service. The damages claims service is the digitalisation of unspecified claims in the county court.

This webinar was be recorded on Friday 17 May 2022.


  • John Cuss, solicitor at Hudgell Solicitors (chair)
  • Matthew Maxwell Scott, executive director at the Association of Consumer Support Organisations (ACSO)
  • Nicola Critchley, vice president at the Forum of Insurance Lawyers
  • Kerry Greenidge, senior service manager (civil jurisdiction) at HM Courts and Tribunals Service
  • Leanne Kershaw, product owner (civil damages team) at HM Courts and Tribunals Service
  • Brett Dixon, chair of the Law Society Civil Justice Committee



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