Member talk - Mental health for litigators

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This session is focused on mental health for litigators

This session is focused on mental health for litigators. 

In this 30-minute audio recording Leah Alpren-Waterman, a member of the Law Society’s Dispute Resolution Section Advisory Committee asks Richard Martin, Executive Officer of the Mindful Business Charter and Matthew Fitzwater, Group Centre General Counsel at Barclays, a series of questions about their experience and views on mental health for litigators. 

They discuss:

  • Their career journeys 
  • The key challenges that litigators face
  • How litigators can respond to those challenges 
  • How to encourage and incentivise best practice 
  • Common misconceptions about mental health in the legal profession 
  • Top tips for managing mental health 

This member talk was recorded on 4th September 2024

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