All Property articles – Page 18

  • Looking at SRA changes through a telescope

    New world


    Major regulatory change is on the horizon this year. Michael Garson looks at what the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s new regime will mean for conveyancing practice, clients and the competitive environment

  • Sue Highmore

    The green stuff


    It is nearly a year since the minimum energy efficiency standard regime came into force. Sue Highmore reflects on its effect on residential clients – including the financial impact – and outlines changes coming into force on 1 April 2019

  • Peter Rodd

    Plus ça change…


    Purrunsing, P&P and Dreamvar were the big news in conveyancing last year. But, Peter Rodd asks, were they anything new, or did they just reiterate the ongoing need for constant vigilance?

  • Scheme of works being kicked out of court

    The best intentions


    The recent case of S Franses Ltd v The Cavendish Hotel, which hinged on whether the landlord had the intention of redeveloping a property, has significant implications for commercial landlords and tenants. Kate Andrews explains

  • Warren Gordon

    Taking charge


    From April, new regulatory requirements for service charges for commercial property will come into force. Warren Gordon outlines the changes, and what they mean for existing leases

  • Katie Gordon-Smith

    All present and correct


    Katie Gordon-Smith outlines the steps Land Registry is taking to improve requisition rates, and the role of solicitors in achieving this goal

  • Shifting sands - balancing a hardening market and market regulation

    Shifting sands


    PII is in flux. The market is hardening, free post-run-off cover is ceasing, regulatory changes will introduce classes of solicitor with less or no cover, and proposed changes could reduce minimum cover. Steve Ray and Jenny Screech round up the changes, and the likely effects

  • Richard Bagwell

    Mending fences


    Newspapers are always full of stories of escalating disputes between neighbours. But nuisance doesn’t need to be about noise – as shown by a recent case on Japanese knotweed. Richard Bagwell provides a short guide to remedies for nuisance

  • law society logo 2019

    Law Society updates Code for Completion by Post


    The Law Society has published the latest version of the Code for Completion by Post. It will take effect from 1 May 2019

  • Shaking hands over desk

    CLLS updates commercial development management agreement


    The City of London Law Society has launched the second edition of its development management agreement (with ancillary asset management services)

  • Law Commission logo

    Law Commission releases consultation on the right to manage


    The government has asked the Law Commission to review the right to manage (RTM) legislation to make it simpler, quicker and more accessible, particularly for leaseholders. Find out more, including about how to get involved

  • court

    Law Society rejects case for specialist Housing Court


    The Law Society has responded to a Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) consultation exploring the case for a specialist housing court.

  • Signing document

    Webinar: Lasting powers of attorney (OnDemand)


    This webinar will look at recent developments and points in practice for deputies and attorneys.

  • Digger on construction site 390x234

    Restrictive covenants: breach now – apply later?


    Jennifer Meech comments on an appeal case where the developer waited until after construction was finished to apply for a restrictive covenant to be discharged.

  • group of people icons 390x234

    Property Section committee vacancies

    The Property Section is looking for residential or commercial property practitioners to join our Property Section committee.

  • megaphone loudhailer

    Law Commission to run consultation events on commonhold and the right to manage


    The Commission has announced a series of regional events covering both topics and likely to be of interest to professionals

  • house on scales

    IFRS 16 and its impact on real estate leases


    A change introduced on 1 January 2019, makes significant changes to lease accounting for affected commercial tenants, which is likely to influence the length of leases taken by tenants in future and impact tenants’ earnings and liabilities, with consequential effect on covenant tests

  • Swimming pool

    Take it easy: what qualifies as an easement?


     Kate Andrews considers how the Supreme Court has expanded the law of easements in relation to leisure and amusement in a recent appeal decision.

  • CQS logo

    The grand scheme


    The Law Society has announced the relaunch of the Conveyancing Quality Scheme. Changes will start taking effect from 2019. What will the changes mean in practice?

  • Wayne Johnson

    You should know better


    Wayne Johnson explains how elements of the know-your-client process could be automated to reduce costs, increase productivity, free up human experts to apply their experience and judgement, and protect firms against money laundering