The road ahead
Paul Bennett, chair of the Law Management Committee, considers the challenges firms face this year, such as the pandemic’s financial implications and using technology to achieve business transformation
Master plan
Claire Burden and Katie Illman explain how mid-size law firm leaders can effectively manage their workforce and remuneration strategies post-coronavirus
Closing the gap
Bola Gibson and Victoria Parry examine the benefits of pay gap reporting, and how to get the most out of the exercise to make a real difference in your firm
Making it personal
Frank Maher examines the growing trend of personal guarantees in the professional indemnity insurance market, and what this means for firms
Diamond in the rough
Dr Zara Whysall explores how firm leaders can identify leadership potential and use it to improve succession planning
All inclusive
Karen Jackson outlines the considerations firms should be making, and some best practice tips, when it comes to disability inclusion in the workplace
Time to reset
Rupert Scrase explains what small and mid-size law firms must consider when restructuring staff or making redundancies
Thinking differently
Arwen Makin talks through the importance, and impact, of adjustments and inclusion for neurodiverse colleagues in the workplace
What clients want
Mila Trezza outlines the importance of taking the time to understand client needs and perspective when giving legal advice
Changing the game
Dan Gilbert sits down with Salome Coker and explores why she identifies herself as ‘the creative lawyer’, discovering how she balances her work as an artist with the demands of her legal career
Art of the possible
Nicola Jones explores how innovation and digital transformation will be key for firms, and how the pandemic has shaped how they should be approached to remain competitive
Stop, imposter!
Anita Gohil-Thorp explains how to recognise the signs of imposter syndrome, and how individuals and organisations alike can tackle it
To pastures new
Kate Arnott explains the key considerations for new law firm partners when it comes to the financial implications of partnership
Alternative energy
Alex Heshmaty examines the growth of alternative legal service providers, and considers what this means for the traditional law firm
Let it go
Rita Gupta shares her advice for legal professionals on how to know when to let a client go