All Private Client Solicitors articles – Page 46

  • SRA

    Looking for a will?


    If you are looking for a missing will, the first port of call will probably be local solicitors or law society. However, if the firm holding the will has been subject to an intervention by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), its closed files will be stored by the SRA. The ...

  • Philip Munro

    King Kong


    The reform of the Hong Kong trustee ordinance, which came into force in December 2013, is likely to make Hong Kong more attractive as a jurisdiction of choice for trusts, especially for high-value estates. Philip Munro and Karen Lai explain

  • News

    New offence of ill-treatment


    Following the Francis Report, which was the final report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry, the Department of Health has accepted the recommendation of the National Advisory Group on the Safety of Patients in England to develop a new criminal offence of ill-treatment or wilful neglect. This ...

  • Fenella Morris QC

    Giving pause


    Simon Edwards and Fenella Morris examine some recent cases around gifts made from the estate of a person without mental capacity, and consider the thorny question of gifts where ‘P’ has and had no comprehension of giving 

  • Daniel Sheridan

    Securing the future


    For clients who have disabled children, one of their main priorities will be supporting their children financially after their death. Daniel Sheridan outlines the options, including wills and trusts, and their implications for tax and benefits

  • Nichola Phillipson

    Time is of the essence


    In the recent case of Berger v Berger, the Court of Appeal examined afresh the issue of family provision claims brought out of time, in a judgment that also contains lessons for those advising elderly clients with life interests under a will. Nichola Phillipson reports

  • Rohan Armes

    Wealth of advice


    Rohan Armes explores the role of an investment manager in giving life to a financial settlement after a divorce, and explains the factors that must be considered when investing a lump sum settlement

  • Wills & Inheritance Quality Scheme

    First firms accredited for WIQS


    The Law Society has accredited the first group of law firms to its new Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS). So far, more than 40 firms have been accredited, with this number increasing as applications are processed by the Law Society. The scheme, which opened for applications last October, is ...

  • Timothy Gibbons

    Back to basics 31: Family home-sharing


    Timothy Gibbons considers the legal positions of inter-generational home-sharers, to identify the possible dangers and disadvantages of home-sharing, the extent to which these issues can be overcome by professional advice, and the value of various kinds of legal arrangement

  • Lesley King

    Can the court order rectification without determining a mistake?


    Lesley King analyses two cases which emphasise the importance of cautious will drafting to avoid problems further down the line.

  • Analysis

    Catling v Catling


    A contentious probate case brought by the seven eldest children of the late testator, who challenged the validity of her alleged last will, which purported to leave her entire estate to the first defendant, her eighth and youngest son.

  • Analysis

    Kevern v Ayres


    The High Court considered whether it could order rectification of a deed without determining whether there had been a mistake. 

  • Analysis

    Re Nicholas Christou (Deceased)


    A challenge to a will on the basis that it was a forged document, and that the testator did not understand fully and approve its contents.

  • Analysis

    Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v AA


    The High Court granted permission for the Trust to carry out a Caesarean section on a woman suffering from bipolar disorder.

  • Analysis

    IM v LM and others


    The Court of Appeal held that the test for determining whether a person enjoyed capacity to marry or experience sexual relations included an evaluation of the person’s ability to use relevant information.

  • James Lister

    ​Spotlight: Blankley v Central Manchester & Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust


    Is a solicitor’s retainer automatically terminated if their client loses mental capacity during the course of the retainer?

  • Rebecca Piper

    Spotlight: Marley v Rawlings


    Supreme Court overturns Court of Appeal decision and holds that a mirror will signed by the wrong spouse can be rectified.

  • Lesley King

    Cancelling contracts made in the home


    Lesley King explains why law firms must tread carefully when handling contracts entered into as part of a solicited home visit to a client.