All Feature articles – Page 36

  • lesley king 390x234

    Back to Basics: Liabilities in estate administration


    Lesley King looks at the rules governing payment of debts and liabilities during the administration of estates, including a number of example scenarios and relevant case law.

  • checklist

    Questions of risk: professional indemnity insurance


    Martin MacHale explains the benefits of taking the time to complete a risk management questionnaire (RMQ) for your firm, before renewing your professional indemnity insurance (PII).

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    Solicitor conduct after Beckwith


    Amanda Croxon, risk and compliance solicitor at Howard Kennedy, considers the implications of the Beckwith appeal for the conduct of staff in and out of the workplace.

  • Loudspeaker

    Client listening: why it matters even more in lockdown


    Bernadette Bennett looks at client listening - what it is, why it matters, how to do it, and why it matters even more in lockdown

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    Negative interest rates?


    Andy Poole, Legal Sector Partner at Armstrong Watson LLP, considers the implications of negative interest rates for law firms.

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    LSAG AML guidance - what you need to know


    Rick Kent, anti-money laundering policy manager, looks at the key changes introduced by the revised anti-money laundering guidance for the legal sector.

  • New Normal: three people fitted puzzle pieces into slots labelled "New Normal"

    Working the problem


    Diana Bentley investigates how law firms have responded to the pandemic, the changes they have made, and how they plan to develop further in 2021

  • Duncan Wood

    Power source


    There has been a certain amount of historical reluctance on the part of some law firms to outsource services to a third party, but with the huge changes inflicted on the legal profession in 2020, the tide seems to be turning, explains Duncan Wood

  • Anita Sheehan

    New year’s revolution


    The start of the year is traditionally a time to make resolutions. But in a time of uncertainty in the market, our businesses and ourselves, how can we build a sense of hope and positivity for the year ahead? Anita Sheehan explains how self-worth can help

  • Ed Whittington and Helen Goatley

    Moore the merrier


    Lucy Trevelyan talks to Helen Goatley and Ed Whittington from Moore Barlow about completing a merger during a global pandemic

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    It’s good to talk


    In the second of our series on conversations about mental health, Lubna Gem Arielle looks at common myths around mental health, and provides a model for having a conversation with a colleague about their mental health

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    First peek


    The 2021 Law Management Section Financial Benchmarking Survey will be published in the next couple of months. In the meantime, Andy Harris, author of the report, shares some of the early findings

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    Dream machine


    Adrian Hextall looks at how technology has supported businesses in 2020, and what might lie ahead for technology in professional services

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    Distance learning


    The pandemic has presented challenges for all of us, and the heightened stress has led to an increase in conflict – exacerbated by not being physically together. Julian Hall looks at conflict in the workplace, and how to foster healthy conflict 

  • Online impressons: laptop screens, some with 'welcome' sign and shop awning, others with loading screens and error messages

    First impressions count


    What makes a strong and effective law firm website? Nick Francis provides a simple guide to assessing your site and identifying areas for improvement, to make sure your site showcases your firm and helps you win clients

  • Feature

    Content is king


    Many of the traditional channels for business development were shut down or limited in the pandemic. Douglas McPherson looks at how to use one channel always open to law firms: content marketing

  • Before: crowd of people / After: People linked on computer-screen

    Before and after


    Back in March 2020, Victoria Moffatt posted a list of predictions on how the pandemic would affect the legal sector. Here, she looks back at which have come true, and what she thinks might be next for the sector in 2021

  • Action stations: people moving dials and buttons in control room

    Action stations


    Kevin Parish provides a broad round-up of what law firms should be doing now to recover and rebuild post-COVID-19, covering everything from your business plan to flexible working, and from lock-up to property

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    Guidance for deputies: Hourly rates


    The recent decision in the cases of PLK & Ors has opened up a new approach to hourly rates. Andrew Bennetts looks at how financial and property affairs deputies can recover costs, even with a retainer in place

  • Estates property quiet gravel path

    Overcoming the burden of administration in death


    Estate management is a time-consuming business, but the digitisation of death will accelerate in the coming years, claims Tremayne Carew Pole, founder of  Life Ledger. He looks at how the process is changing in the private as well as the public sector