Test – Page 173

  • Jo Summers

    Back to Basics: FATCA and UK trusts


    Jo Summers explains what FATCA is and its application to UK trusts

  • An expensive lesson image

    An expensive lesson


    Recent years have seen private school and university fees rocket, and private client practitioners are more likely than ever to be asked by clients, whether parents or grandparents, for advice on tax-efficient fees planning. Mark Brownridge offers some tips

  • Philip Evans

    Handle with care


    The Care Act 2014 has received royal assent and will come into force in October. Philip Evans explains some of the key provisions on care funding and local authorities’ duties, and their impact on private clients and their advisers

  • Enrol with the punches

    Enrol with the punches


    Clients who employ care or support staff directly will have pension obligations under the new auto-enrolment scheme, and professional deputies have a key role in advising them on compliance. Jane Bennett and Sean McSweeney explain

  • Richard Frimston

    Recipe for succession


    The EU’s regulation on succession comes into force in just over a year. Richard Frimston explains what action practitioners need to take now where clients have EU assets, residence or domicile

  • Adam Boyle

    The promised land


    Adam Boyle outlines the lessons to learn from the recent high-profile proprietory estoppel case of Davies v Davies

  • Ann Stanyer

    Forward planning


    A recent case has highlighted the effectiveness of advance decisions and statements in ensuring an individual’s wishes for their care and welfare are respected if they lose capacity. Ann Stanyer explains how they work, and the implications of the case

  • Frances Coulson

    Safe from harm


    Frances Coulson argues that government plans to lift the insolvency litigation exemption are misjudged

  • Kerry Underwood

    The new portal: the view from the courts


    Case law relating to portal claims come under Kerry Underwood’s spotlight

  • Nicholas Bacon QC

    Going the distance


    Nicholas Bacon KC provides a user guide to the new consumer contracts regime

  • Analysis

    Denton v TH White Ltd [2014] EWCA Civ 906: relief from sanctions appeals


    Earlier this month, the Court of Appeal heard three appeals together which concerned relief from sanctions and the application of Mitchell principles. Cait Sweeney examines the issues and practical implications raised by the hearings.

  • Mark Surguy

    Disclosure, post-Jackson


    Mark Surguy argues that the Jackson reforms in relation to disclosure will not work unless solicitors have more of an eye on the trial at the start of a case

  • Peter Reekie, commentator

    Town and village greens: UKSC overturns House of Lords decision


    Peter Reekie looks at a recent attempt to prevent development taking place on vacant land by applying to register it as a town and village green 

  • Analysis

    ​Lie v Mohile


    The Court of Appeal held that a court was wrong to find that a partnership between two medical practitioners had terminated and, accordingly, that an application for a new business tenancy had failed.

  • Analysis

    ​R (on the application of Barkas) v North Yorkshire County Council


    The Supreme Court considered the issue of whether land in Whitby should be registered as a town or village green under section 15 of the Commons Act 2006. 

  • Analysis

    Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd


    The claimant tenant exercised a break clause in its lease with the defendant landlords. The judge implied a term which enabled the tenant to get back that part of the advance payment of rent which related to a period after the break date by when the lease would have been ...

  • Lesley King

    Frustrated wills: it's all about interpretation


    Lesley King examines two recent cases in which the High Court considered errors made in the drafting of wills. In the light of the House of Lords’ decision on interpretation in Marley v Rawlings, will the courts now take a more relaxed view?