Test – Page 172

  • Ray O'Connor

    Talking points


    In the second of a series on the risks of using social media in law firms, Ray O’Connor looks at how to mitigate risk in order to reap the benefits of social media for your firm, your people and your clients

  • Roman Kubiak

    72nd Update to the CPR and Inheritance Act 1975 claims


    The 72nd Update to the CPR came into force on 22 April 2014. Amongst other things, the rules were amended to clarify the courts’ costs management powers and the cases to which costs management will now apply.

  • Roman Kubiak

    Spotlight: 72nd Update to the CPR and Inheritance Act 1975 claims


    The 72nd Update to the CPR came into force on 22 April 2014. Amongst other things, the rules were amended to clarify the courts’ costs management powers and the cases to which costs management will now apply.

  • Peter Reekie, commentator

    Unoccupied properties: tax liabilities


    Peter Reekie looks at two recent cases which deal with different possible arguments for potentially avoiding liability for rates on unoccupied properties

  • Analysis

    Pall Mall Investments (London) Ltd v Gloucester City Council


    The district judge upheld the respondent local authority’s unoccupied non-domestic rate demand against the appellant company and rejected the appellant’s argument that the properties were exempt on the ground that non-occupation was the result of dilapidations and the state of the properties was such that occupation was prohibited by law. ...

  • Analysis

    Henderson v Foxworth Investments Ltd and another


    Liquidator of the Letham Grange Development Company sought reduction of a security over the Letham Grange resort near Arbroath in Scotland.

  • Analysis

    Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust and another v Birmingham City Council


    The High Court held that a landlord was liable to pay business rates on an empty property where a liquidator had disclaimed the lease, despite the fact that the landlord had not taken possession of the property and a guarantor under the lease continued to pay the rent.

  • Lesley King

    Home and away: inheritance claims by cohabitants


    Lesley King considers an interesting decision on Inheritance Act claims by cohabitants, plus HMRC’s latest proposed changes to the taxation of relevant property trusts.

  • Sarah Livestro

    Spotlight: Martin Retail Group Ltd v Crawley Borough Council


    The Central London County Court has held that a permitted use restriction in a lease breached competition law and was therefore unenforceable. 

  • SRA

    SRA issues guidance on will-writing


    The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has issued guidance for solicitors preparing wills, to remind solicitors of their responsibilities and the outcomes that should be achieved in chapter 1 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011.

  • News

    New consumer contracts regulations


    New consumer protection regulations which came into force on 13 June will apply to solicitors’ retainers entered into on or after that date. Solicitors will need to review their standard retainers, client care letters and model agreements.

  • Update

    WIQS update


    The Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS) launched by the Law Society earlier this year is fast approaching the 100-member mark

  • Gavel image

    Right to die appeal dismissed by Supreme Court


    A majority in the Supreme Court has dismissed two appeals seeking a ruling that current English law is incompatible with the right to dignity and a private life.

  • Simon Leney

    All is forfeit


    Simon Leney looks at the implications of the Forfeiture Act for mercy killings

  • Conspicuous Consumption

    Conspicuous consumption


    New consumer contracts legislation introduced in June needs to be addressed in all solicitors firms’ terms of business and client care letters. Ian Bond and Helen Clarke outline the implications for private client practitioners

  • Adam Draper

    Pullan apart


    The recent case of Pullan v Wilson reiterates the importance of ensuring that professional trustees’ fees are reasonable. Adam Draper examines the case, and the lessons to learn for solicitor trustees

  • Tied up in knots image

    Tied up in knots


    Mark Harper provides an update on pre- and post-nuptial agreements, including recent case law, the Law Commission’s proposals, and issues relating to international couples or those with assets abroad