All Private Client Solicitors articles – Page 35

  • christopher eriksson lee

    Back to Basics: Managing stocks and shares as part of an estate


    Practitioners face a number of issues when dealing with an estate that contains portfolios of stocks and shares. It’s important to have a good understanding of how you can help clients plan before death, and deal with shares as part of the administration of an estate after death. Christopher Ekisson ...

  • gary rycroft

    Personal services


    It’s all well and good advertising a friendly and personable service, but law firms, and private client solicitors in particular, need to be visible and accessible to prospective clients at all times. Gary Rycroft explains

  • tim hill

    Tomorrow’s world


    A new Law Society report looks at the future of the legal services market, including the potential impact of technology. Tim Hill looks at how technological innovation may affect the private client market

  • Alberto Perez Cedillo

    Roaring succession


    The fifth Section conference on cross-border and international private client issues focused on the EU Succession Regulation – commonly known as Brussels IV. Alberto Perez Cedillo reports back on the talking points of the day

  • hands grabbing golden egg

    Generation game


    Major changes to the tax charges that apply to benefits paid on the death of a pension scheme member took effect almost a year ago. Jo Summers outlines what benefit options now apply, and how you can plan effectively for your clients

  • bird with eggs ps magazine

    Line of duty


    Charles Holbech discusses some recent cases that provide useful guidance on the scope of trustees’ duties

  • man with bigger head 1000x1000

    Drawing the line


    A recent case shed light on the jurisdiction of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 when a person has capacity but is still vulnerable. Falling on one side of this line or the other can have significant consequences, argue Mungo Wenban-Smith and Alex Ruck Keene

  • Karmjit Mader

    Back to Basics: Finalising a tax liability


    It’s become increasingly difficult to finalise an individual’s tax liability under the UK tax system. Lisa Vanderheide and Karmjit Mader provide a guide

  • gary rycroft

    Welcome aboard


    Gary Rycroft welcomes three new members to the Private Client Section committee, and reports back from the Cross Border Conference

  • joint 1000x1000

    Casing the joints


    Julia Hardy and Fiona Lawrence explain the issues around joint bank accounts after one of the account-holders dies

  • Private Client Section new artwork 2014

    Private Client Section Annual Conference, London (1 July 2016)


    The 2016 Law Society Private Client Section annual conference will equip you with the very latest thinking on private client work. 

  • Lesley King new

    Going it alone


    Lesley discusses a recent First-tier Tribunal which saw executors who had chosen to administer an estate without professional advice left with personal liability for an income tax bill that they were unable to settle from the estate

  • Lesley King new

    Lord Lucan is officially dead


    Lesley King rounds up the latest talking points in private client law, including Lord Lucan’s officially declared dead after over 40 years, and a High Court ruling that the lack of a personal representative does not allow a beneficiary to bring an action to protect assets on behalf of an ...

  • Jake iles

    Capital thinking


    Tax changes applying since April 2014 have created new opportunities and pitfalls for those buying and selling commercial property. Ray Chidell and Jake Iles explain

  • house

    Home free


    A new residence nil-rate band will be phased in from 6 April 2017 when a residence is passed on death to a direct descendant. Lesley King explains the implications.

  • fiona heald

    Too simple?


    The simplification of lasting powers of attorney may encourage more people to make one, but the changes also remove certain safeguards, which could lead to abuse of the system. Fiona Heald explains

  • jack dunkley

    In their shoes


    In July 2015, Office of the Public Guardian introduced new deputy standards to support and supervise professional and public authority deputies. Jack Dunkley explains what prompted the guidelines, and reports on the feedback so far

  • richard heaney 84x84

    Powers that be


    Richard Heaney looks at the land registration aspects of transactions involving the use of a power of attorney, and what you can do to ensure these applications are processed as quickly as possible.