Jonathan Haydn-Williams
Jonathan is a solicitor and mediator in the Goodman Derrick Dispute Resolution team. He has over 34 years' experience of handling and resolving a wide range of civil and commercial disputes. He is qualified as a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and is an accredited mediator registered with the Civil Mediation Council.
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All fair in love, war and commerce?
Is a duty of good faith usually to be implied into ‘relational’ contracts under the law of England and Wales, asks Jonathan Haydn-Williams.
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The percentage game: play with care...
We are used to, and think we understand, percentage probability, says Jonathan Haydn-Williams – but remember that percentage estimates of success do not make it certain and are less reliable the earlier they are made.
- News
Note to forensic e-providers: 'discovery' is not the same as 'disclosure'
Jonathan Haydn-Williams explains why forensic e-providers need to understand their market.
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Jackson's report on fixed recoverable costs: our 30-second summary
Jonathan Haydn-Williams summarises Lord Justice Jackson’s report on fixed recoverable costs.
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Mediation in uncertain times: CMC annual conference report
Jonathan Haydn-Williams reports back from the Civil Mediation Council’s (CMC) annual conference.
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Brexit report on justice for families, individuals and businesses
The House of Lords EU Committee has published a report about the effect of Brexit on three EU Regulations which together ‘play an important role in facilitating the daily operation of the European legal system’. Jonathan Haydn-Williams looks at the Committee’s conclusions as to the Brussels I Regulation ‘recast’ relating ...
- Analysis
Brexit and article 50 – a summary of the High Court judgment
From screaming headlines to more sober assessments, much has been written about this decision of the High Court since it was delivered earlier this month. An appeal by the government is currently being heard by the Supreme Court. Jonathan Haydn-Williams and Goodman Derrick outlines the main elements of the High ...
- Analysis
Constitutional aspects of Brexit
Jonathan Haydn-Williams reviews of some of the constitutional issues to which the referendum vote gives rise.