Heledd Wyn

Heledd Wyn is an associate solicitor at Mowbray Woodwards in Bath. She is a fully accredited member of STEP and Solicitors for the Elderly

  • Hawkins

    Workshop: Older and vulnerable client update


    Holly Mievelle-Hawkins and Heledd Wyn round-up their workshop on older and vulnerable clients

  • Lockdown - shadow of hand hovering over house

    Lurking behind lockdown


    Lockdown has been stressful for most of us, even more so for elderly and vulnerable people – who are at increased risk of financial abuse at a time when they are even more reliant on the support of others. Heledd Wyn explains how you can help

  • iceberg in the sea

    Hide away


    As the cost of residential care rises, more people are attempting to protect their home and other assets from local authorities to avoid paying for care. Heledd Wyn explains why such actions are doomed to fail, and how local authorities will approach a so-called deliberate deprivation of assets