When: 16/04/2015
Business’ impact on human rights around the world, both positive and negative, is well documented. Multinational corporations provide jobs and opportunities but can also negatively impact human rights, as the Bhopal tragedy, the Rana Plaza disaster, and the situation in the Niger Delta acutely demonstrate. “Business and human rights”, as a field of study, focuses on the various ways in which businesses can be held accountable for their actions, from CSR policies to litigation. It challenges the state-centred international human rights framework by looking into direct obligations of non-state actors, private corporations.
When: 16/04/2015, 18.00 - 20.00
Julian Knowles QC, Matrix Chambers
Juliya Arbisman, Senior Associate at Amsterdam & Partners, Law Society human rights committee member and member of the Law Society Business Human rights Advisory Group
Dr Nadia Bernaz, Middlesex University