In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, the JLD would like to reassure our members that we’re making representations on your behalf.

Set out below is what we’ve done to date.

Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)

23 March – We wrote to the profession’s regulator about the impact on LPC students, solicitor apprentices and trainee solicitors, and how the SRA should adapt its current practices to ease these concerns.

The issues raised include:

  • LPC exams being unsatisfactorily deferred until autumn, which may particularly impact students due to start their training contracts in September 2020
  • the impact on solicitor apprentices and the time it takes to qualify via this route
  • clarification for trainee solicitors on the regulatory training obligations relating to working from home, sick leave, access to supervision and the availability of newly qualified positions

Read our letter (PDF 158 KB)

We’re pleased to see that some of our concerns have been addressed.

Read the SRA’s response (PDF 55 KB)

Read the SRA’s coronavirus updates - education and training Q&A

Read the Law Society’s guidance for trainees

Open letter to firms

26 March - We published an open letter in the Law Society Gazette to firms and employers of trainee solicitors asking them to consider the special circumstances regarding trainees and their regulatory training obligations.

We understand this is a hugely difficult time for businesses. However, we ask that organisations are transparent and communicate with their trainees.

Read our letter to firms

Sources of advice and support

Law Society guidance for trainees

Law Society guidance – What to do if your training is terminated

SRA guidance for students, trainees and QLTS

Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and updates

Junior Lawyers Division – Wellbeing

Fit for Law: Emotional competence and professional resilience


Coronavirus Q&A: Junior lawyers and mental health

Coronavirus and apprentices: government guidance

Supervising trainee solicitors during coronavirus - blog by Alan East, chair of the Law Society’s education and training committee

SBA - The Solicitors’ Charity Personal Hardship Fund

Four things to think about when considering furlough leave - blog by Nick Denys, employment policy adviser at the Law Society

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Wellbeing and mental health resources 

Law Society guidance – Supervision during Covid-19

We’ll updating this page on a regular basis.

For more current advice and guidance on coronavirus and the profession generally, visit the coronavirus advice hub.