Charlotte Judd

Charlotte Judd

Charlotte Judd is a senior associate at Kingsley Napley LLP

  • Julie-Norris-600x400

    Developments in AML


    With the recent SRA announcement that law firms should expect an increase in AML burdens from the UK government, Julie Norris and Charlotte Judd consider some key updates

  • Julie-Norris-600x400

    Developments in AML


    With the SRA announcement that firms in the legal sector should expect an increase to the onslaught of AML burdens from the UK government, Julie Norris and Charlotte Judd consider some key AML updates for legal practitioners and law firms

  • Money-graphic-600x400

    On the regulatory radar


    With yet more recent developments relating to the regulation of money laundering in the legal sector, Julie Norris and Charlotte Judd consider the implications for legal practitioners and law firms