Nick Jarrett-Kerr

Nick Jarrett-Kerr

Nick Jarrett-Kerr is a member of global consultancy Edge International, a founding member of the Law Management Section, and a lecturer and author on law firm management.


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    The bright side


    In hard times, being able to look at challenges and see opportunities is invaluable. Nick Jarrett-Kerr offers six strategies for innovative law firms keen to turn the recession to their advantage

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    Virtuous circle


    Nick Jarrett-Kerr looks at how professionals can break into the circle of trust with clients and colleagues, including in a time of social distancing

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    Webinar: Planning for recovery (OnDemand)


    Nick Jarrett-Kerr talks about planning for recovery in these uncertain times in a four-episode webinar.

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    The pursuit of happiness


    Would you consider your firm a happy place to work? Do you think your people feel the same way? It’s too easy to focus on success, to the exclusion of happiness, says Nick Jarrett-Kerr. So how can you make your firm a great place to work?

  • Evolving for success

    Evolving for success


    In a healthy but changeable legal services market, firms cannot afford to rest on their laurels. Nick Jarrett-Kerr suggests 12 strategic projects for firms looking to get and stay ahead of the competition

  • Nick of time

    In the nick of time


    The news is full of horror stories about law firms going under, but if firms act as soon as they find themselves in trouble – and even before – they could avoid becoming just another statistic. Nick Jarrett-Kerr gives his 12 top tips for financial recovery